Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer

              Galatians 6:1  Brethen , if man be overtaken in a fault , ye which are spiritual , restore such an one in

the spirirt of meekness ; considering thyself , lest thou also be tempted .


the reason paul had to put, you how are spitirtual is because he knew as we today have to know that everyboy is not spitirual. be reminded that going to church and doing church stuff does make you spitirual. having a titles an being in leadership oes not necessarily make one spitirtual either. what makes one spiirtual is the application of spititrtual principles in their live's on a daily baises witch will take them outside themselves.


what makes one spititrtual is when we truly realize that we no longer belong to ourselves and have now become willing to help others no matter how we feel about them, no matter what they may have done to us. what also will make one spititrual is when we see another brothen or sister overtaken in a fault and hurt for them to the point that we not only pray for them but we have now become willing to be there for them.


what makes one also spititrtual is no matter how much our flesh want's to judge and condemned them; we still  choose to pray for them and do what we can for them. know that when one has too toot  their own horn; he be seen by being out in front; want attention or notification, the chances are that tey are not spititrtual. paul recognized that it takes a spititrtual kind of christain to reognized when a person has been overtaken in a fault and then refuse to play by God by judging and condemning them. we all know it is easy to help someone when everything is fine and they do not need much. but often another story when it is someone whom we thing is getting just what they disever so just how spititrtual are you when it comes to these kinds of standards? how would you feel about helping someone you may or may not like that is caught up in a fault.

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